These are some of educational/training resources I use. I do not have any affiliation with them for free resources, and I simply enjoy the contents.

Youtube Channels

Luminar AI Shooting & Editing. I use Luminar for editing my photos. I enjoy taking photography, and I want to develop skills in making photography.

Master Your Craft from Adorama TV: While I do not really enjoy taking people pictures too much, I do see values in capturing memories for people. This gives me some ideas.

Lensbaby University on how to be creative with Lensbaby: I love taking photography with Lensbaby. They certainly have interesting lenses, and these courses give intro and tips in taking photography with Lensbaby optics.

Through the Lens from Adorama TV: This is for inspiration and seeing different styles of photography. There have been some seasons from different countries.

Free Trainings

Free Weekly Photo Lessons by Fuji Film. They have beginner, intermediate, and advance level. I get a weekly email with topic/materials and weekly challenges as well.

Canon also offers online articles for education and inspiration. There are articles on their products as well if you are a Canon shooter.

Paid Courses and experience

Another interesting learning resources are courses available on Moment (ad). Moment is a unique site where you can purchase their own products, but also gears from other manufacturers, and courses by professionals and "experience" as well. There are courses by actual photographers/content creators on various subjects from film photography to filmmaking to storytelling. While these courses are not free, it is a worthwhile investment if you like the photographers offering the courses.