Ultimate Guide to Discovering Rare Cameras and Photography Gear on eBay

Hi, everyone. Today, I will go over my experience buying and selling on eBay, and explain why eBay still remains as one of the go to place for me to buy cameras and gears. eBay is a global marketplace that has been connecting millions of buyers and sellers for over 25 years. In this guide, we will unlock the secrets to finding rare cameras and photography gear that are treasures to photography enthusiasts and professionals alike.

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Saving and Storing Photographs … overkill?

After COVID pandemic started in 2020, many photographers must have changed what and how they photograph with certain restrictions on travels and group activities. Some started product photography or macro photography where they can enjoy at home. Some learned how to use external lighting. I lost many opportunities of taking photographs because I mainly shoot my kids playing soccer and travel photography, and I spent most of my free time not taking photos, but editing my old photographs and looked at how I store my old photographs. It is a good practice to review photo storage options as many people take a lot more photos on smartphones, image sizes continue to increase, we need to adjust the methods and sizes of our photo storages.. How are you saving and storing your photographs? In this post, I share my photo storing practices.

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